Locator Implant Overdenture

Two implants are placed by the surgeon and allowed to heal. The denture is fabricated using Locator abutments to provide retention of the denture. This is an excellent option to retain a lower denture securely in place.

Locator Bar Overdenture

Four implants are placed by the surgeon and allowed to heal. The denture is fabricated using a bar and Locator abutments to securely hold the denture in place.

Screw-Retained Hybrid Denture

The surgeon places four implants, and a Screw-Retained denture in sealed at the time of implant placement. After several months, the final denture is processed and screwed into place. Extractions, implant placement, and denture provided to our patients in one visit.

Reasons for implant retained dentures:

  • Keep dentures in a fixed position.
  • Avoid unexpected and embarrassing disruptions.

Please call the Falls Family Dentistry office for a no obligation consultation so we can determine which denture procedure is right for you.